you are always welcome here!
misiunea noastra
Misiunea Fundaţiei Mâini Dibace este asigurarea unui cadru în care beneficiarii sunt ajutaţi la un nivel înalt în vederea îmbunătăţirii calităţii vieţii lor, pentru a avea o viaţă cât mai demnă şi autonomă.
we are people just like you
În profunzime...
living for Christ
Verseturi biblice
Căci Împărăţia lui Dumnezeu nu este mîncare şi băutură, ci neprihănire, pace şi bucurie în Duhul Sfînt.
Romani 14:17
Powerful & life-changing
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father’s message
welcome word from our pastor
We are a community of believers united by our faith in Jesus Christ, our deep devotion to the Eucharist, and our love for God and others. The Church is a place to grow spiritually, to put your faith into action, and to use your gifts and talents as true disciples of Christ. We invite you to join us at Mass and to learn more about our ministries, our organizations, and our activities by navigating this website.
Whether you are simply a visitor or a permanent member, may you and your loved ones feel welcome and at home at the Catholic Church. Come join us as we encounter, follow, and imitate Our Lord.
Yours in Christ, Rev. Fr. Neil Herlihy